Encounter – The REFIT

Stage One – Hull Repairs

On the 10th July 22 the schooner Encounter joined the Broad Reach Fleet.

At the beginning of Feb 23 we moved her to the island of Lesvos and repaired some major hull damage (see pic!) and over hauled all of the underwater equipment, shafts, propellor, skin fittings etc.

God provided the labour and finances in amazing ways and we were constantly amazed at His ‘just in time’ provision!

Stage 1 of the refit cost €38,000, which considering the work that was completed is quite incredible, (you can get an idea of the scale of works in the picture below)  this has been paid for in full!



Volunteer power!

It was volunteers willingly giving of their time and skills that enabled us to keep the costs so low.

Encounter is now back in Porto Astro and we are continuing with the refit, in preparation for a ‘soft launch’ in summer 2025.

We still need a lot of finances and help to see her back in full-time operation, however, the refit we are doing, is a once in 20 years type refit and with ongoing maintenance, she will be ready to serve for a long time! 

It’s a wild ride, trusting God and seeing His provision at work!  and we would love you to join us on social media or sign up for our emails to receive the latest news.

Stage Two – Rigging and Safety

 We are preparing to move into the rigging stage of the refit next.  This means lifting the masts out for a full inspection, and replacing all the wires, ropes and fittings.

It’s about 25 years since they were last out so this is really important to ensure they are safe and ready sailing!

Safety equipment will be purchased and installed closer to the time we start sailing, as some of this like liferafts for example, have to be checked annually so there is no point in buying them now.

Our Immediate needs

As we prepare to remove the masts and rigging for inspection and to replace all the wires and ropes, this is our biggest immediate need. 
We estimate it will cost approximately €10,000 

Additionally we have to reset our mooring anchor, before the winter storms, and this will cost €1,500.

Refit budget – updated March 24

Can you make a gift today?

If using Gift Aid in the UK, please use Stewardship Services.

What difference does a ‘widget’ really make?

We appreciate it’s hard to understand the difference many of the items on the list below will make, especially if you’re not a sailor. So we have highlighted a few of the larger items below. Of course, this explains the practical item and its benefits, but the spiritual impact is harder to quantify…

As an example, let’s consider the tender, we turn up at a small island and anchor offshore (The ports are often too small or busy). We ferry the crew ashore and go to bless the local community, encouraging them, supporting them, and perhaps bringing them out to the boat for a time of fellowship, all made possible by the tender.

Tender with outboard

When you are at anchor, as we tend to be most nights, the tender becomes your link to the shore.

Essential for transporting the teams, provisioning, exploring and safety.


Hot water showers

Yes, we sail in Greece, but it even gets cold here from time to time! We are fitting hot water showers this year and then plan on heating in the future, to extend our operating season.


Engine and gearbox

We have a great Cummins engine that is in need of some TLC.

Although we are a sailing boat, the engine is crucial for safety and entering harbours.


Anchor chain

It may not seem like the most exciting purchase, but knowing that you are going to be in the same place in the morning as when you went to sleep, is a great blessing!
As we spend a lot of time at anchor, the chain is used to secure Encounter to the anchor which holds us in place.


AIS Tracker

An AIS tracker, allows other boats to see our location and is a great safety feature as well as helping with planning as the office can see where the boat is most of the time.


Safety equipment

All safety equipment from flares to liferafts, and fire extinguishers, most of which we plan never to need! Also lifejackets and other safety equipment that we use on a regular basis.

€9,000 Already Gifted!

Stage Three – Cosmetic + Improvements

We expect a lot of this stage to happen over the winter 25-26, but we will make a start with any available time after completing Stage Two. 

We can start sailing next year as long as Stage Two is complete.

Latest Updates from on board

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English Below
Σαλαμίνα...φτάσαμε στο ναυπηγειο!Salamina Island docked at shipyard...we made it!
English BelowΜετά από πολλές προκλήσεις το Ιστιοφόρο Encounter πέρασε την γέφυρα της Χαλκίδας στις 0100 ξημερώματα Πέμπτης. Τους ευχόμαστε καλό ταξίδι προς το ναυπηγείο Σαλαμίνας. Το Encounter θα υποστεί μια πλήρεις αναθεώρηση των ιστών. Θα βγουν τα κατάρτια μετά από 27 χρόνια για έλεγχο και θα αλλαχτούν όλα τα ξάρτια στήριξης.Με αυτό το έργο θα τελείωση η δεύτερη φάση της ανακατασκευής. Εκτιμούμε της προσευχές σας.After many challenges Encounter set sail going through the Halkida bridge at 0100 Thursday morning.They purpose to sail all night to reach the Shipyard in Salamina for a total rigging refit.
The masts will be removed for inspection after 27yrs and all cables (shrouds) will be replaced.
This project will conclude the second phase of the total refit. We would appreciate your prayers.
Catherine has an amazing story of how and why she has sailed to Greece. A woman of courage and great faith..God will use her obedience to impact many! Welcome to Broad Reach!
Our Director of Development, Cameron, is back on the schooner Encounter—22 years, 4 months, and 12 days since he last skippered her in Greece!
He’s thrilled to witness firsthand how God continues to use this vessel to further His kingdom and to see all the hard work that’s gone into the refit. :)#SchoonerEncounter #IslandReach #BroadReachMaritime #TheKingsFleet #PortoAstro
Please listen to the testimony of Pat Baer as he shares his experiences of how God used him to Skipper the Morning Star some 48 years ago.PLEASE KEEP LISTENING THROUGH FIRST 30 SECONDS AS THE WIND NOISE CLEARS UP!
Watch more

Getting practically involved


First and foremost you can support this project with prayer, to stay up to date with the latest news, follow our Facebook page and sign up here to receive our newsletter.


Do you have some time to help us? Great!

Learn more on this page.


  • Funds required for Purchase – 50,000 euros 60% 60%

These bars give an indication of where the donations / versus needs stand. 

The purchase of Encounter will be completed in stages over the next five years, the first three stages have already been donated and paid!

Did you know?

The Schooner Encounter was built for the kingdom and donated by the builder and has been operated by Theo and Sandra under Torchbearers, in Greece since the year 2000. Read more about her amazing history here.