International Counsel

Russell Belden
International Counsel Member
Married his childhood sweetheart, Tanya in 2001. Father to his wonderful daughter Lauren, born in 2008. Passion for missions and growing the kingdom of God…
Served in Greece working on Morning Star in 2012. An accomplished sailor and boatbuilder with an entrepreneurial spirit.

Stu Krogman
International Counsel Member
I accepted Christ during my late teens, grew up on a small mixed farm, worked as a farm hand and in farm equipment industry. 1994-2003…
I accepted a call as youth/worship pastor in a church plant, served with Youth for Christ, and hired in 2003 by CrossRoads Church. My wife Corrine and I enjoy sailing! In 2011, we were blessed to visit Hellenic Ministries and Porto Astro as well as experience the Morning Star. We are happy to support HM and Broad Reach Ministries.
Retired Pastor of Hope Ministries CrossRoads EM Church at Red Deer, Alberta CANADA

Robert Feddes
International Counsel Member
Robert & Danielle Feddes live in Friesland, The Netherlands. They are part of the Brethren movement and currently explore starting & supporting local house churches…

Todd Szakacs
International Counsel Member
Todd and his wife Lottie live in Red Deer, Alberta. They have been part of CrossRoads Church for many years and have been involved in different areas of the church…
For the past 17 years Todd has been a Financial Investment Advisor. Prior to that, he was an Airline Pilot for over 15 years, as well as an owner of a successful restaurant. He has always been a lover of the water and has owned a boat.
Todd has a passion for building up God’s Kingdom and has been actively involved with Hellenic Ministries since 2011. When Todd and Alex first met many years ago there was an instant connection of friendship because they shared a passion for God, ministry, family and boats.
Now Todd works to help BroadReach spread its vision in a dynamic way.

Kenneth Overman
International Counsel Member
Born in southern California, Kenneth Overman, Author, MBA, has traveled to 108 countries so far. He is founder and President of…
a biographical legacy writing service. One night in southern Spain back in the seventies, Ken–a hippie at the time–asked Christ into his heart and his life changed forever, but not without his share of ups and downs. Back in the States, he ran a CBN ministry center in Washington D.C. until he went to graduate school where he earned his MBA. After graduating he traveled the globe marketing luxury pleasure boats. Later, he spent a year in Afghanistan with USAID, and in 2012 launched his writing career. He is currently working on his fifth novel while writing a screenplay for his earlier work, Sacrifice of the Innocents. Starting at the age of 8 until now, he has done a lot of bluewater sailing. Today, Ken lives with his wife, Karen, in northeast Florida and attends the Church of 11/22. His daughter, Lisa, is with the US Foreign Service in Bern, Switzerland. He says, “It is so good to know that Christ is before all things and in all things!”

Fokko Feddes
Graduated to be with the Lord – 2022
Fokko and his wife Tineke served 27 consecutive years coming every summer to help with many Hellenic Ministry outreaches. My wife and I had the honor and privilege of being trained under his wing. Being trained in every aspect of sailing and boat handling. Fokko then became a mentor and a member of the Broad Reach International Counsel.
Fokko may you enjoy Jesus’ presence until we meet again! Please pray for the Feddes family!”