Island Reach

A fleet of privately owned vessels ministering to each of the major island groups in Greece. 

Visiting and encouraging lonely, isolated believers on the islands of Greece, praying for the islands and witnessing one-on-one.

Sharing – Encouraging – Supporting

Greece boasts the 11th longest coastline in the world along with 227 inhabited islands. Reaching the inhabitants of these islands and coastal regions through traditional mission strategies presents a challenge.

We envision a fleet of vessels reaching the wind-swept and spiritually barren islands of Greece, sharing the love of God, and strengthening local fellowships through teaching and encouragement. We will accomplish this goal through the various gifts of each boater.

On the island of Evia, Jerry and Ilona and their family have relocated to be part of the vision. They have been joined by Catharine on her yacht Icthus. 

Cruising around Greece are Rick and Annemiek aboard their yacht Jireh.

In the Ionian, Henning and Sylvia are aboard their yacht Amazing Grace. 

From the Netherlands, Robert and Danielle, have bought the yacht Dolphin 3 to join the Broad Reach fleet. 

Also in the Netherlands, John Wilco is building a yacht for ministry in Greece.

Several years ago Simon and Katie lived aboard their yacht Rope Sole in Poros. 

Everyone keeping a rhythm of prayer and worship as they “tread softly and prayerfully with acts of loving kindness.”

The vision of Island Reach is becoming a reality!

Connect with the team now by emailing: 



Partner With US

We would love to partner with more believers and sailors who are committed to reaching the islands of Greece with the gospel of Jesus Christ. All you need is a sense of adventure and a servants-heart for people living and working on the Greek islands and coastal ports.

Come, join the fleet and let’s go make some waves!

Do you want to join the team?