Join the CREW
HM needs determined men and women of God who are cloaked in humility, committed to purity and godliness, dedicated to prayer and fasting, champions of the banner of unity, love and sacrifice.
If the gospel is to be relevant in this ‘modern jungle’ it must be modelled in Christlike servanthood.

We need men and women who will be decisive about their ‘call’ who will put their hand to the plough and not look back.
Costas Macris
Founder and President,
Hellenic Ministries
Published in Greece Today
Volume 7 #2 Fall 1998
Marine Opportunities
We are currently looking for experienced skippers, mates, bosuns and cooks for our large sailing yachts.
There can be opportunities for couples to work together depending on their roles and experience.
To learn more about the roles available and the minimum qualifications please click below to download a pdf.
To apply for any of these positions, please complete the contact form at the bottom of this page.
Shore-side / REMOTE Opportunities
To apply for any of these positions, please complete the contact form at the bottom of this page.
We look forward to hearing from you!

Start the Process
To begin the process, please submit this contact form. We will be in touch as soon as we can, connecting you with the right people.
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