The vision of Island Reach is to see a growing fleet of sailing boats taking the gospel to the islands of Greece, encouraging isolated believers and planting or strengthening small groups of believers. And not only do Simon and Katie Kemp share this vision, but they are living it out! From April to October each year, Simon and Katie are renting out their home in England so that they can live aboard their sailing boat in Greece, praying for the islands, being salt and light to those who cross their path, and encouraging isolated believers. Last week, we had the joy of sharing a day together aboard their yacht ‘Rope Sole’ in Poros. What a delight to see the friendships and connections this wonderful couple has formed with both believers and seekers. We are thrilled about our growing friendship and partnership in the gospel with Simon and Katie. Find out more on their work on their website. By David Ball
Morning Star Update
Hello Friends and prayer warriors. Just an update, on a lot of the progress that has taken place in the last four weeks. Please continue praying for us as we go to Crete this weekend for evangelism. Please pray that we will overcome hurdles that the enemy places at...